Onboarding Training Manuals will assist new college staff in their training journey through ctcLink (PeopleSoft). Although learning a new software system can be challenging, we expect these documents will provide new staff with the information needed to locate, understand, and participate in the various training and learning opportunities available from the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC).
Each manual is divided into sections highlighting specific topics and information necessary to become more comfortable with our ctcLink system. Section topics may include:
- Onboarding checklist
- Welcome to ctcLink Training
- Each pillar’s place in ctcLink
- Prerequisite ctcLink courses
- Role-based training content and requirements (i.e., required and recommended ctcLink self-paced training courses)
- Additional onboarding resources
How to use the onboarding manuals
The Onboarding Training Manuals can be found in the ctcLink Reference Center “Intro to ctcLink” section. Onboarding manuals are available for Finance users, Human Capital Management users, Financial Aid users, and General staff:
Manuals for Campus Solutions and Student Financials users will be available in July 2024.
The intent is for supervisors to work with staff to provide clarity around staff roles and functions of their job based on the onboarding manual.
To enhance understanding of the ctcLink system, each ctcLink module lists required and recommended self-paced ctcLink Canvas training courses which directly align to roles and functions performed at the colleges. For example, each staff member is required to complete general prerequisite courses to introduce them to the ctcLink system.
The included checklist allows supervisors to identify which required and recommended courses should be completed by each staff member. Additional training resources are provided to assist new staff in their onboarding activities.