How to File an Early Alert in the SVC Progress Reporting System

The instructor dashboard is your hub for student success using the Early Alert System. The sooner that counselors and navigators can be informed of the students’ progress, the sooner they can intervene with solutions that will ensure the students success. Begin the process by logging into your instructor dashboard and clicking the “Early Alerts” button in the top menu bar. 




Clicking on the Early Alerts menu item will take you to the Early Alert view. From this view you can 

  • Choose a student from your class list to file an Early Alert 

  • Search for a student by last name or student ID to file an Early Alert 

  • View Submitted Early Alerts 





Choose a student from your class list to file an Early Alert 


To begin filing an early alert by choosing a student from your class list, click the “Choose a student from your class list to file an Early Alert” button. You will be presented with the list of classes you are teaching this quarter. 



Click the “Select” button to view the students from a class… 



..then click the “Select” button next to the student in the new table that appears. 






Once you choose a student and class you will be presented with the Early Alert dialog  


Filing the Early Alert 


You begin by selecting the reason for the alert. Using the drop down menu, choose a Category… 



and choose an alert type. 



Optionally, you may recommend Proposed Interventions to assist the student. Use the checkboxes to choose one or more that may apply. 







Enter any comments you may have for the Early Alert counseling team into the textbox. 



When you are satisfied with the selections, submit the form. The Early Alert team will then be notified and begin the counseling process. 




Search for a student to file an Early Alert 



You can also search for a student by last name or student ID by clicking the “Search for a student to file an Early Alert” button. 


Enter a student ID number or a last name to search for the student, then click “GO”. You will then be presented with the student’s class list. Choose a class that the Early Alert pertains to, and you will be presented with the Early Alert dialog. 





Once you have found the student, simply choose the options and submit the form as described in the previous section. The Early Alert team will then be notified and begin the counseling process. 

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