Auto Attendants are used to help callers locate a person, resource or information. Auto Attendants are usually presented to outside callers but can be setup so that internal callers hear the same recording. In this example a person is calling from home and wishes to speak to the IT Help Desk. When they call they will hear the greeting and have the option to press a number or wait to be sent to the Help Desk Hunt Group. This is the most common use of Auto Attendants.
Auto Attendants can also be used to give callers information. This can be setup for internal and external callers.
Auto Attendants can be sent directly to a Voicemail.
Auto Attendants can present a Pre-Greeting before the caller speaks to a person. in this example the 5303 extension is "Twinned" to a cell phone so both phones ring. Forwarding is still possible but the desk phone doesn't ring, the calls would be sent directly to the cell phone. Twinning is preferred in most cases. Note that the Hunt Group extension number is unique,no phones are allowed to have the same extension number. The Voicemail is also tied to the Hunt Group and separate from the members.
Auto Attendants can be used as a Post-Greeting, The caller will only hear the message if no one in the Hunt Group answers the call. The caller can be sent to a Voicemail, another Hunt Group or be disconnected
A note on Hunt Groups.
- Must have a unique extension, no phones can have the same extension.
- Can have a Voicemail
- Voicemail is always stored in the Hunt Group number called, not in any of the member extensions
- Users must login to the Hunt Group to receive calls
- Users can be a member of several Hunt Groups.
If you are interested in a Hunt Group, call the IT Help Desk 7766 and we will create one for you. Thank you.