Ergonomic tips for information workers

Do it right!

Working in front of a computer all day is hard work.  Here are tips to help decrease body fatigue and strain.

A video and article by Susan Deschenes

Ergo tips: sit stand and lap top

A six minute video with tips on how to set up your workstation from home and some stretches.

  1. For every hour you sit-try to stand an hour. Once your body gets used to this you could stand 3:1 ratio of standing to sitting.

  2. Try to do the  six " head to toe" stretches every day(these would be in the video) neck, chest, wrist, lowback/gluteus, hamstrings and hip flexors.

  3. Move from your work station every 30-60 minutes for a minute or two. Give your eyes, neck and wrists a break. 

  4. Zoom meetings. Why are they so tiring?!  Try standing. You could also turn your video off and still listen and stretch a little! 

  5. Monitor at eye height, elbows at 90 degree and forearms rested, feet flat on the ground, dual monitor close together with a slight angle. 

  6. Be creative with books and boxes to get the right height for your monitor and key board.

  7. Be careful of cords and area rugs when going from a seated to standing position. 

Susan Deschenes, Physical Education Instructor/SVC Ergonomic Specialist;

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