Connecting a Network Printer on Windows

  1. Left-click the Start Button (typically in the bottom left hand of your screen.)
  2. Type on your keyboard to search for the print server name, like \\
    1. MV: \\
    2. WIC: \\
    3. Pro Tip: If you know the name of the printer, you can combine the server name and printer name to directly connect, rather than searching through the list of printers as described below.
      1. Example: \\\F207-P-47


  1. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to open the list of servers 
  2. ​​​​​Double click the printer name in your area to connect.
    1. Printers are named like A108-P-159, where:
      1. A is the building letter.
      2. 108 is the room number.
      3. P stands for Printer.
      4. 159 is an identifying number, in the case of multiple printers in the same room. 
    2. Pro Tip: Printers should be labeled with their printer name.
      1. If the printer in your area is missing its label, please contact the I.T. Help Desk:, 360-416-7766
  3. If your computer asks you to enter Admin credentials to connect the printer, or if you receive some other error when connecting, please record the error and contact the I.T. Help Desk:, 360-416-7766
  4. You should now be connected to the printer
Print Article

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