Help with ctcLink

This is a guide for helping someone with a ctcLink issue.

Step Zero: make a ticket.

Verify the ID of the user, then start a ticket.  Follow the ticket through to close. 

Step One: instructions needed?  or fixing?

Talk to the user to distinguish: Is this problem due to "the user not knowing how" or to the "system not working properly". 

Tip: Ask about people in the same department. Often the fastest and most specific information is from other people trying to do the same things. 

Step Two:  Provide instructions

Consult the documentation.  In this order:

  1. The SVC ctcLink library of step-by-step guides.  ctcLink website > Training >  How-Tos
  2. The State Board ctcLink Reference Center.
  3. Lower Columbia College's ctcLink reference pages.
  4. Other School ctcLink reference pages
  5. Peoplesoft PeopleBooks

Step Three:  Helpdesk issues

Determine if the root issue is a Helpdesk issue or not.  There are the four Issues the Helpdesk can solve directly.  Troubleshooting steps for each are given at the end of this article.  

  1. Logging In
  2. Password Reset
  3. Browser Issues
  4. the New User Interface (Navigation)

If the issue is not one of these, you should assign it to the Security Team.

Step Four:  Other issues

If it is not a Helpdesk issue, assign the ticket to the Security Team.  The Security team will identify the correct Subject Matter Expert. 

The Security Team will also determine if the issue is a Security Issue.   If so, they will need to know:

  • Steps taken when you encountered the error. What you were trying to do and the expected result. At which step in the process you encountered the issue. 
  • Describe any business process changes that may have led to this issue. 
  • If you are working with someone else (on campus or at SBCTC) on this issue, provide their names and roles. 
  • What is your navigation and URL? Copy and paste the link address (URL) at the location in PeopleSoft where you are experiencing the issue. 
  • Which browser (e.g. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome) and environment (PeopleSoft product and module) you are working in. 
  • Provide full screenshots of:  
    • Any error messages 
    • Any warning messages  
    • Run control parameters 
    • Missing Button/menu items 
  • Provide EMPLIDs as examples  
  • Provide multiple IDs if there are many students or staff 
  • Provide any pertinent information: 
  • Business unit, Set ID, aid year, term, program plan stacks, class section, item types, log file, instance number, etc. 
  • Your deadline (date, time) for completing this process. 


Specific Information for HelpDesk Issues

Logging in 

The users must activate their account via okta, and then log in. They might need assistance with that process. There can be confusion over what First/Last name to use, date of birth, ID Type, what Email address to use, the security questions, or the account recovery phone number(s). 

There may be issues setting a password that meets the criteria. 

Please be familiar with the ctcLink training site documentation for account activation and log in.  (Employee How-Tos... - Skagit Valley College CTCLink )

Password reset 

The user must reset their own password. They might need assistance with that process. There can be confusion over the environment web address, the emplID they use to sign in, or remembering the password they previously set.  

Please be familiar with the ctcLink Reference Center Documentation for the account password reset process.  (Okta - Resetting Your ctcLink Password/Unlock Account | 9.2 Employee Self Service | ctcLink Reference Center )

The last resort solution is the okta account reset because the user will need to complete the entire okta activation process again. You will need to escalate this to the ctcLink Security Support Team. 

Browser issues.  

The user might be using a non-supported browser and will run into weird issues with the display/functionality of certain items. 

Please be familiar with the ctcLink Reference Center Documentation for clearing the browser cache.  (9.2 Clearing Browser Cache for Popular Browsers | CS Fundamentals | ctcLink Reference Center )

Zoom with the user, request control of their workstation. 

  1. Try incognito mode first 
  2. Clear browser cache 
  3. Close browser 
  4. Open browser 
  5. Have the user log in and attempt to recreate the error they are receiving. 
  6. If still experiencing error, try another browser. 


Unfamiliarity with the new User Interfaces (Navigation Issues). 

Problem: The user can’t find what they need or they can't perform a certain task because they don’t know where to find the item. 

Solution: We can refer users to the ctcLink training site and assist the user to navigate to the correct location. 

  • for any employee self help features regarding Change/Update Employee Information, Employee Time and Leave Reporting.  see:  Employee How-Tos... - Skagit Valley College CTCLink 
  • For other job duty related tasks,  we can search the ctcLink reference center documentation to determine ui view and roles requirements based on what task they are performing.  ctcLink Reference Center 

If the desired function does not show up in the menu once we’ve determined the correct location, take a screenshot, add it to the ticet, and escalate to the ctcLink Security Team.


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