Projector Display (Mirror Display)

Occasionally the projector will not display what is on the computer screen. Or the projector has the login but the computer does not.

Try these steps to resolve the issue.

1. Press the Windows key and the letter P.  Select the "Duplicate Screen" with the up and down keys, press enter.


2. Press the "Source Search" button on the Epson Remote.

3. Ensure the Video "Mute" button has not been pressed.  On the Epson remote, press the A/V Mute button to see if the image returns.

4. Ensure the cables are connected to the back of the computer.  Video cables can come loose when the desktop is moved around.



Article ID: 142056
Fri 3/11/22 2:40 PM
Thu 6/9/22 7:32 AM