Canvas Course Roles

We have added a new role in Canvas that people can be added to a Canvas course as. This new role, called Teacher Viewer, is for when you want to add another instructor to your Canvas course so they can view the course or import the content into their own Canvas shell and you want to be sure they will not be able to edit any of the content in your shell. They will still be able to edit the content in their own shell after they have imported it from yours.

An overview of all available roles in a Canvas course follows:

  • Student- view and participate in course content the teacher has made available
  • Guest Student- all the same permissions as student, generally used for adding someone to a course for auditing purposes
  • Teacher- full permissions to add/edit/remove course content, be messaged by students,  grade assignments, view student analytics, etc.
  • Guest Teacher- all the same permissions as teacher except cannot add course sections and assign sections to students, and will not appear as an option for students to message from the Canvas inbox generally used for adding someone who will need to do minimal editing to the course or may be teaching a minimal level of the class
  • TA- same permissions as guest teacher, expect cannot add/remove users from course, generally used for TAs who will be assisting with creating course content and grading
  • Designer- can add, edit, and remove any course content, but cannot view course analytics, student grades, publish/unpublish course, add/remove people from course, generally used for instructional designers to build courses for instructors
  • Observer- view the content of a course like a student but cannot participate/submit work, generally used for student advisors or people helping with student accommodations
  • Teacher Viewer- can view course from the instructor perspective and able to import the course into their own shells but cannot edit any content, generally used for people building their course based on previous versions of a course or a departmental template or reviewing old courses

If you have any questions about or run into problems with the new Teacher Viewer role, other Canvas roles, please contact