Library Database Access from Off-Campus.

How to Access Library Databases from Off-Campus:

Go to the library home page and choose your databases from the drop-down list labeled Choose Databases, and click Go.

Or, click on the Database A-Z List for a description of each database.

Search library Databases from library website


You will get a screen asking you to log in. Be sure to choose whether you are a student or employee.


 Then, log in using your FULL SVC email address and password.

**For students, this is first initial, last name, last four digits of student ID@

EG: for John Smith, 835241625 it would be:

For employees it is in this format:

NOTE: You must be a current SVC student or employee to used the library’s licensed online resources.

Login/Password not working:

If you are told that your login is not working, please first check to see if you get a login screen that looks like this:

If you didn’t and instead get a login screen that looks different, and is labeled with the name of a database vendor (such as EBSCOhost), that means that the link address did not include SVC authentication service ( and it doesn’t recognize you as an SVC student.

This in an example of a non-SVC log in screen.

This most often happens if you Google the name of one of our databases and then click on the link.

If this happens, be sure to go to the library Home Page, and go into the database through that page OR if you are offered the option to Sign in With Google, go ahead and choose that, but then type in your full SVC email address and password. (If you are an employee, you will have to choose Sign in with Outlook if that option is available and then type in the full SVC email address and password). 

Then use your full SVC email address and password to log in.

This may also occur if your computer already has been used to access the services through another website, like the public library or another college library.

Try clearing your browser cookies to clear the old information to be able to authenticate yourself and access these services correctly through the library home page.

This can usually be done in your browsers “options” or “settings.”

Here's an example of how that looks using the Google Chrome Settings:


Here’s how that looks in Firefox:


A third reason you may not be able to log in to the databases might be because your Privacy Settings are set to reject third-party cookies.

Because our databases come from companies external to the college, they do use third-party cookies.

You can temporarily lower those privacy settings to allow cookies from the database in question. Here’s how that looks in Google Chrome:

Here’s how that looks in Firefox:


If your login and password still does not work even though you know you connected through the library home page, you have cleared your browser data, and have re-set your privacy settings to allow third-party cookies, you may need to reset your password.

To do this, contact the SVC Help Desk via their chat service for assistance with resetting your password.

Chat does not currently support Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome browsers.

You can also send an email to or call (360)416-7766.