All SVC students can access free online tutoring service from anywhere and anytime they have access to a computer with internet connection
If you are not able to login:
- Click on Forgot Password and follow the instructions, including entering your SVC email address.
- Check your email for an email from eTutoringOnline. If the email from eTutoringOnline doesn’t appear in your inbox, check your spam/junk folder.
- Write down or memorize the username and password in the password reset email. Password is case-sensitive.
- Follow the instructions in the password reset email.
- Reset your password when directed, and memorize it or write it down.
- Click on “Log in.”
What to expect:
- The Writing Lab: allows you to submit a draft of your paper to a tutor, ask for specific feedback, and receive your work back with a tutor's response within 24-48 hours.
- Live Tutoring: allows you to meet with a tutor from one of our member schools in one-on-one tutoring sessions via a fully interactive, virtual online environment.
- eQuestions: allow you to leave a specific question for an eTutor even when no tutors are available for live tutoring. You will receive a response within 48 hours (usually sooner).
Submit a Help Request for additional assistance.
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