eTutoring Assistance


All SVC students can access free online tutoring service from anywhere and anytime they have access to a computer with internet connection

If you are not able to login:  

  1. Click on Forgot Password and follow the instructions, including entering your SVC email address.
  2. Check your email for an email from eTutoringOnline. If the email from eTutoringOnline doesn’t appear in your inbox, check your spam/junk folder.
  3. Write down or memorize the username and password in the password reset email. Password is case-sensitive.
  4. Follow the instructions in the password reset email.
  5. Reset your password when directed, and memorize it or write it down.
  6. Click on “Log in.

What to expect:

  • The Writing Lab:  allows you to submit a draft of your paper to a tutor, ask for specific feedback, and receive your work back with a tutor's response within 24-48 hours.
  • Live Tutoring: allows you to meet with a tutor from one of our member schools in one-on-one tutoring sessions via a fully interactive, virtual online environment.  
  • eQuestions: allow you to leave a specific question for an eTutor even when no tutors are available for live tutoring.  You will receive a response within 48 hours (usually sooner).  

Submit a Help Request for additional assistance. 

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